
  Twyford Urinals, Basins and Toilets  

Twyford - Exposed shower controls and concealed shower controlsTwyford - Exposed shower controls and concealed shower controls

About Twyford

Twyford has over 160 years in the business in which they have changed a variety of environments, for the better, with their products. Twyford's various ranges are fresh thinking and are at the core of design, which makes Twyford such an ongoing success. Their products are also made to last, with a guarantee of 25 years on all Twyford Ceramic Sanitaryware Products, and lifetime guarantees on showering products when they have had manufacturing faults.

Twyford are known for their customer service and have built lasting relationships with a variety of customers, including designers, architects, contractors, developers, retailers, distributors and more. Twyford supply to a range of environments, including healthcare, education, community and leisure sectors making their products suitable anywhere.

Twyford's Products

Their products are known to be continually developing aesthetically, as well as technically and environmentally. Ultra-hygienic Rimfree Toilets are part of a range of water saving products by Twyford which include ground-breaking technologies that minimise the use of un-ethical products.

Twyford have recently collaborated with the NBS (National Building Specification), part of RIBA Enterprises, to make an innovative and technological specification tool which is designed to make the lives of anyone within the business easier. Twyford offer specific designs for their educational projects. This includes a variety of designs for each age group, including nurseries through to adult education. They also have products for the less able which answer every need for any location.

Twyford - Children's Washbasins, Non-Concussive TapsTwyford - Children's Washbasins, Non-Concussive Taps



  • Twyford Pair of 120mm Masonry Wall Fixing Bolts
    £8.40 £7.00
  • Twyford Total Install Basin Fixing Bracket Kit To Fit 225mm Washbasin Centres
    £30.00 £25.00
  • Twyford Belfast Sink Built In Bracket 400mm - Pair
    £38.40 £32.00
  • Twyford 300mm Cleaners Sink Support Bracket Pair
    £38.40 £32.00
  • Twyford Alcona Wrapover Toilet Seat And Cover with Bottom Fix Hinge
    £38.40 £32.00
  • Twyford Small Dual Flush Air Operated Push Button (Chrome Plated)
    £40.80 £34.00
  • Twyford Mini Plate - Dual Flush Air Operated Push Flushplate (Chrome Plated)
    £44.40 £37.00
  • Twyford Total Install Bracket Pack For Sola 500 & 600mm Basins
    £45.60 £38.00
  • Twyford Alcona Semi Pedestal
    £46.80 £39.00
  • White Open Front Toilet Seat Ring for School Toilet Pans
    From £52.80 £44.00
  • Twyford Galerie White Soft Close Toilet Seat & Cover with Top Fix Hinges
    From £57.60 £48.00
  • Twyford Alcona Wall Hung Wash Basin 500mm - 2 Tap Holes
    From £58.80 £49.00
  • Twyford TMV3 Thermostatic Mixing valve (15mm)
    £60.00 £50.00
  • Twyford Belfast Sink Built In Bracket 400mm - Pair
    £61.20 £51.00
  • Twyford Urinal Fixing Kit - Spectrum - SR8096XX | Commercial Washrooms
    £62.40 £52.00
  • Twyford Classic Low Level Toilet Pan with Choice of Trap
    The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

    As low as £63.60 £53.00

  • 3 Station Urinal Flush Pipes
    From £63.60 £53.00
  • Twyford cross-head bib taps 1/2" Chrome Plated | Twyford
    The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

    As low as £63.60 £53.00

  • Twyford Sola 1/2" Lever Bib Taps (pair)
    The price depends on the options chosen on the product page

    As low as £73.20 £61.00

  • Twyford Galerie White Soft Close Toilet Seat & Cover with Top Fix Hinges for Wall Hung Toilet
    From £78.00 £65.00
  • Twyford Cleaner’s Sink Legs and Stays Pair
    £81.60 £68.00
  • Twyford Blue Open Front Toilet Seat Ring for Sola School 300 Toilet Pan
    From £81.60 £68.00
  • Twyford Blue Toilet Seat Ring For Sola School 350 Toilet Pan
    From £81.60 £68.00
  • Twyford Alcona Close Coupled Toilet Cistern
    £87.60 £73.00