On The Level
On The Level Shower Drainage
Since the 1980's, On The Level have manufactured and supplied the very highest quality standard and bespoke wet room and level access shower solutions.
Their products are used in thousands of major construction projects, hotels, hospitals, care homes, gyms, student flats and many more.
OTL’s unique wet room flooring trays, also known as wet room formers, bring ultimate water control to wet room design.

Bespoke Flooring
On The Level are proud members of the Made in Britain campaign, a Government endorsed initiative that truly identifies British-made products and gives buyers the knowledge and an educated choice on the goods they buy.
On The Level products can be bought in a range of sizes to suit the wash room dimensions, for bespoke sizes contact the sales team.
Wet Room Design
On The Level wet room drainage kits help provide a minimalist look to the washroom, and they blend neatly into the shower floor, making them great for customers who want to see less drainage in their wet room.
The long channels also create an effective drainage system for multiple showers in changing rooms, whilst maintaining a sleek and professional style.