Impey Wet Rooms and Accessible Showers
Impey's journey began upon the realisation of the need for a dependable and consistent wetroom flooring solution that provided a guaranteed element of drainage on a wetroom floor. They soon became the pioneers of the first prefabricated wetroom floor formers.
Impey continued to design stylish wetrooms, as well as DOC M facilities to make wet room useable for all.
Stylish and Accessible Washrooms
Impey believe that true accessable design should cater to individual preferences, and style does not need to be compromised for functionality.
Their products enable the creation of elegant and ergonomic shower spaces. Their variety of shower seats allow for more customisation in the wet room area.
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- Deluxe Padded Fold Down Shower Seat with optional PaddingAs low as £372.00 As low as £310.00