What Is A Vanity Unit?

What Is A Vanity Unit?

If you’re in the midst of commercial washroom design, you might be wondering exactly what a vanity unit is and why your washroom might need one. Here we delve into some specifics….

You’d be forgiven for thinking a vanity unit isn’t needed in your washroom, the name alone suggests something more appropriate for a dressing room or domestic bathroom. However, the vanity unit is actually a structural unit best suited for many high traffic environments including schools, services, train stations, and leisure centres. 

What is a vanity unit?

Vanity units are effectively a solid worktop for which to mount your washbasins and taps too. In many cases, organisations choose to extend this worktop to accommodate extras such as baby changing stations, waste chutes and workspace to lay out toiletries. 

Beneath the worktop, most vanity units are concealed using an underframe with easy-access panels, delivering a substantial piece if integrated, built-in-furniture that offers both storage and protection.

Benefits of using a vanity unit

A vanity unit offers several key benefits to a facility manager. Firstly, they conceal all pipework and services, preventing them from being tampered with or vandalised. A good vanity unit will also provide you with under counter storage. This could be used to store essentials like spare paper towels or house soap pump reservoirs for counter mounter soap pump dispensers. Additionally, some businesses choose to locate a waste bin within the vanity unit, accessed by a waste chute that is recessed into the countertop. Collectively, if all these options are selected, you drastically cut down on cluttering your washroom, resulting in a smart, easy to clean hand wash station that’s durable and robust. 


What is a vanity unit | Commercial Washrooms

Is a vanity unit right for my washroom?

As with all things, vanity units aren’t for everyone. While they do offer terrific versatility and increased protection to mains services and waste, there are times where this option might not be for you. If you are working with limited space then you might prefer to install slender wall-mounted washbasins. A slimline wash trough may also be a good choice, or alternatively we do have clever space-saving sinks - ideal for small cafes and restaurants.

The choice to forego a vanity unit also allows you to make the most of your floor space. If it’s a tight room, then keeping the floor open and clear can trick the eye and make a room feel bigger than it really is. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that vanity units needn’t be deep enough for a full sink. Semi-recessed washbasins can be fitted to a slimline, half-width vanity unit. This means you still get the concealed protection of pipework and under-counter storage, without having to compromise on floor space. 

If you have any questions about vanity units or would like to enquire about custom units to fit a washroom, get in touch with one of the Commercial Washrooms team on 01202 650900.

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