What are RADAR Locks?

What are RADAR Locks?

If you’re concerned about misuse in your disabled washrooms, then RADAR locks can make sure that only those who require these facilities can access them…

What are RADAR locks?

RADAR stands for The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation, although it is now known as Disability Rights UK. Back in 1981, a National Key Scheme (NKS) was set up to make sure that disabled toilets were kept free and clean for the users that need them. RADAR locks not only allow disabled users to access your facilities independently, but they also protect your washroom from misuse and vandalism – particularly in public environments. Thousands of registered disabled users carry a RADAR or NKS key with them so that they can access over 10,000 washrooms up and down the country including public washrooms in shopping precincts, bus stations, train stations and sports facilities. Over 400 local authorities have adopted the scheme to date.

How to get a RADAR key

The RADAR key is available for free to those registered with a disability by some local authorities although you may have to pay - please check with your local authority. You can also buy RADAR keys from Commercial Washrooms. It’s worth pointing out that if you travel in Europe, the RADAR key won't work. Instead, you’ll need a EuroKey, which you need to apply for from CBF Darmstadt and cost significantly more – about €27.

Installing RADAR locks

RADAR locks are not installed on toilet cubicle doors, but on heavy-duty main doors to the room. They are installed almost identically as you would a Chubb lock. In pubs, cafes and sports centres, a set of keys are usually left at the front desk or behind the bar. Similarly, cleaning staff and site managers will have access to a RADAR key too.

If you have any other questions about the RADAR lock and key system or would like to discuss your accessible washrooms, get in touch with one of the team on 01202 650900.

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