It‘s easy to overlook the cubicle door furniture when designing your new commercial washroom, not least the actual door locks. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which lock to choose. Here we take an overview of the various options you can choose from.
It‘s easy to overlook the cubicle door furniture when designing your new commercial washroom, not least the actual cubicle door locks. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which lock to choose. Here we take an overview of the various options you can choose from.
Quick-release locks
The standard quick release cubicle door lock will be familiar to you all. A horizontal bar slides across the edge of the cubicle door and into a ‘keep’, which is fastened to the cubicle door frame. The indicator on the exterior of the cubicle door turns to red to let other users know the cubicle is engaged. This is perhaps the most common type of toilet cubicle lock and for good reason; it is simple and effective. These locks come in various finishes and even in mutlicoloured versions, which suit nursery and school toilets very well.
Other indicator locks
From here we move on to a variations of this lock, which include a very simple plastic rotating indicator bolt, as well as the rather sleek loop handle indicator bolt.
Mortice indicator locks
However, depending on your washroom environment and design style, you may be looking for something a little smarter. A little more discreet. For these instances, mortice indicator bolts work perfectly with the locking mechanism being hidden out of sight and internally within the actual door. This leaves just a smooth stainless steel lever on display internally and a matching indicator externally.
Outward opening door locks
When choosing your toilet locks, you’ll need to bear in mind that for outward opening cubicle doors, you may need a slightly different type of lock or at least a different type of keep. However, most locks are available in both inward and outward opening options.
Locks for disabled toilet cubicles
Locks for disabled toilets need to be much easier to use and a great option here is the Union Disabled Toilet Door Lock. A surface mounted door lock with large handle and clean, simple locking mechanism. This lock and handle combo allows ease of use for disabled users and can be unlocked from the outside in emergencies using a screwdriver or coin. This emergency feature also features on most other toilet locks too.
The Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation have approved a disabled door lockset – RADAR for short – which allows only RADAR key holders to access the toilet cubicle. This is a key many registered blind or disabled users carry and by having this functionality, your disabled toilets cannot be misused and, in public spaces, helps to reduce the risk of vandalism. The cubicle door is therefore always locked.
However, when the door is locked, but the indicator is white – meaning vacant – users can unlock the door using their RADAR key. Once inside, the door is locked by simply lifting up the interior handle, this changes the indicator to red and stops the external RADAR keyhole from being accessed.
Whatever lock you decide to install for your disabled or ambulant disabled toilet cubicle, be sure to fit them to the recommended height. If you need information on this or any of the above points, please get in touch with us, we would love to help!