Practical Toilet Cubicle Fittings for your Washrooms

Practical Toilet Cubicle Fittings for your Washrooms

The renewal of your toilet cubicle fittings can go a long way to giving your washroom a lift. There are several components to consider, all available to purchase online through the Commercial Washrooms website.

When planning out the design of your commercial washrooms, there are many things you can do to alter the design and look of your washroom, from Vanity Units and Toilet Signs to other accessories. Likewise, a toilet cubicle can be more than just a panel with a doorknob and a hinge with the right touches; this article will take you through some useful toilet cubicle fittings to add to your washroom’s cubicles.

  1. Metal Coat Hooks: Metal Coat Hooks are a neat touch that you can add to your toilet cubicle doors in your washrooms. Our range of toilet cubicle metal coat hooks have been selected from the UK's leading hardware manufacturers, and come with a black rubber buffer as standard to ensure no impact damage is caused to walls or toilet cubicle partitions when the door is opened.
  2. Toilet Locks: Toilet Locks for cubicle doors, are one of the most fundamental and necessary components to a toilet cubicle- and with commercial washrooms, you can find a variety of locks in different styles, designs, and finishes, depending on what you’re looking for in your washroom’s cubicle doors.
  3. Rise & Fall Cubicle Hinges: Rise & Fall Toilet Cubicle Door Hinges are a good addition to any toilet cubicle door, as they provide an additional level of stability and confidence for use in high use washrooms and areas that may be prone to vandalism. They can also be set to allow the door to fall fully open, fully closed or two positions in-between, and a hidden screw is fitted to each hinge to prevent the doors from being lifted off.

These were just a few toilet cubicle fittings that can be incorporated into your overall commercial washroom design, bringing additional security, design touches and utility to your toilet cubicles. If you’re interested you can view our full range of toilet cubicle fittings here.

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