Innovation in Toilet Hygiene: Meet the 'Lifty Loo'

Innovation in Toilet Hygiene: Meet the 'Lifty Loo'

What price would you pay to avoid touching the Toilet Seat?

Whether it is a public or a domestic toilet, lifting and lowering the seat and lid can be a cringe-worthy experience. American Kickstarter 'Lifty Loo' is hoping to make the process a touch more comfortable.

Their innovation allows for a convenient and more importantly, hygienic solution. Utilising self-adhesive strips it sits nicely underneath the seat. Removal is equally as easy, and will not damage the seat.

Initially, the concept was created to help encourage children to lift and lower the seat. However, the benefits for those more forgetful, as well as the germophobes are easy to see.

Lifty Loo plans to begin shipping in September 2019 - To read more on the product CLICK HERE.

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