How Often Should You Replace Your Toilet Brush?

How Often Should You Replace Your Toilet Brush?

In smaller commercial washroom settings, the toilet brush is a common item that’s often overlooked…

Let’s be honest, the toilet brush is one of the least loved items in any washroom. It’s something we try to keep very discreet and not draw attention to, but because of this, it is usually overlooked when it comes to replacements.

How often should you replace your toilet brush?

In busy, high traffic washrooms, the toilet brush scrubbing is usually left to the cleaning crew, and as such the brush is likely to be cleaned and replaced more regularly as it will usually be kept with the cleaning supplies. In these areas, the brush should be replaced every 3 - 6 months as they will build up a lot of bacteria and germs. However, in smaller commercial washrooms such as restaurants, schools and cafes, the brush is left by the toilet and sometimes forgotten about. If it's being used less often, then replacing it every 6 - 12 months is fine.

When to replace your toilet brush

There are some obvious common signs that your toilet brush needs replacing. If it’s loosing or has lost bristles, or if it has signs of weakness or cracks in the handle or brush head. However, some subtler signs to look out for are if the handle is becoming discoloured, or if the bristles are becoming bent or clumped together in one direction.

How do you clean a toilet brush?

Cleaning your toilet brushes should be done weekly. You can remove any debris from the brush by scrubbing the inside of a toilet pan while the toilet is flushing. Then place the brushes in a bucket of boiling water and bleach, leaving to soak for around an hour. Rinse under running water and deliver it back to its holder.

In busy, high traffic washrooms, a toilet brush will likely be used much more frequently and so daily cleaning is usually advised.

How to store a toilet brush

Toilet brush holders are always designed so that the brush head sits at the bottom. This allows water to drain with gravity into a small reservoir. For cleaning crews, toilet brushes will usually be stored in a bucket or hot soapy water while doing the cleaning rounds, and when finished with is likely to be cleaned and stored in an empty bucket. 

Your toilet brush shouldn’t let you down

As well as being a functional tool in the washroom, your toilet brush doesn’t have to lower the aesthetic of your washroom. We have a dynamic range of commercial grade toilet brushes and holders that come in both wall mounted and floor standing designs. Built from highly durable materials, and presented in streamlined holders, operators can now maintain a clean modern, and functional design even with the washroom's least loved item. 

If you would like to discuss which items are best suited to cleaning your washroom, or to learn about easy-clean washroom design, please get in touch with one of the team on 01202 650900.

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