How Many Disabled Toilets Are Required In A Workplace?

How Many Disabled Toilets Are Required In A Workplace?

Here we look into one of the most critical washroom offerings in the workplace, the disabled toilet.

Creating an accessible, non-discriminatory working environment will lead you to reconsider every element of your workplace. Whether it’s the entry and emergency exits, or the space in the kitchen, accessibility needs to be considered throughout the workplace. 

Of upmost importance is the toilets and washing facilities. While there is some ambiguity over existing, inherited buildings, there are certain legislations now in place calling for all workplaces to offer full accessibility for all current, and potential employees. The Equalities Act is in place to ensure no one is discriminated against, including disabilities. The tension occurs when a potential new recruit is turned down for a position and the question arrises whether the decision was made due to a disability and the employers lack of accessibility for that person. 

How Many Disabled Toilets Are Required In A Workplace?

In offices British Standard BS8300 requires a minimum of one disabled toilet per floor. Ideally, this should adhere to Document-M of Building Regulations. This requires a specific amount of manoeuvring space within the washroom, a set of grab rails in a contrasting colour to the walls, a lever operated tap at the sink and an outward opening door. However, thought also needs to be given to the thoroughfares, meaning a disabled user also needs to be able to get to said washroom without obstruction. 

Disabled Toilets In Hotels

In hotels there is a requirement that 10% of your total bedrooms must be disabled rooms. As well as providing Document-M compliant disabled washrooms, you also need to give thought to transfer space within the bedroom itself so a wheelchair user can get safely into bed. 

Be Prepared For Change…

In 2021 retail and public premises will be required to include an adult changing table in their disabled washrooms taking them up to a Changing Spaces criteria. If you would like more information on Changing Spaces, you can find our previous blog on them here. If you’d like to know how many toilets, wash basins and urinals you need in your workplace, we have a comprehensive guide over here.

If you would like any further advice or help in providing disabled toilets in your specific workplace, please get in touch with one of the team on 01202 650900. You can also take a look at our Doc M Packs here.

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