How can I reduce vandalism in my washroom?

How can I reduce vandalism in my washroom?

Every aspect of the commercial washroom has the potential to be damaged and vandalised. For owners and managers of modern commercial facilities there are a number of ways to minimise this and therefore save money and the bad impressions this can create. Our Blog offers a brief list of the areas within a washroom which are prone to vandalism along with our suggestions of how you might combat this.

Every aspect of the commercial washroom has the potential to be damaged and vandalised.  For owners and managers of modern commercial toilet and shower facilities there are a number of ways to minimise this and therefore save money and reduce the bad impression poor washrooms can create.  The following is a brief list of the areas within a washroom which are prone to vandalism along with our suggestions of how you might combat this.




Toilet Cubicles

Weak, inferior cubicle fittings are a prime concern, particularly in schools. Users will swing from doors and head ails and kick panels just for the sake of it. Many cubicle manufacturers supply plastic locks and hinges with their systems to save money but in reality, these will cost the facility more in the long run. We recommend that toilet cubicles are supplied with metal fittings so as to be more robust and increase the cubicle's lifespan. The use of the correct panel materials is also imperative when considering washroom use. We recommend the use of a solid grade laminate (SGL), also known as Compact Grade Laminate, if there is an opportunity for vandalism to occur.

                    Ultra Toilet Cubicles        Stainless Steel Cubicle Fixtures and Fixings

Exposed pipework

Exposed pipework is asking for trouble within a public washroom environment. Not only does it look untidy, and an area that is likely to gather dust, it is frequently subject to vandalism meaning expensive repair bills and emergency cleanups. The easiest way to combat this is to conceal as much pipework as possible behind IPS duct panels or beneath vanity units. Duct panel sets and vanity units still offer the maintenance team easy access via the lift-off access panels but are effective at deterring vandals.
An additional service offered within the Commercial Washrooms range of IPS panels and vanity units is for each access panel to be hinged and lockable.

                    Vanity Unit          IPS Panels

Taps Left Running

Taps left running can be an expensive waste of water and money but when vandals insist on blocking washbasins the situation can become even worse and may lead to flooding. An effective way of dealing with this issue is to invest in timed flow taps which deliver only a set amount of water. This method means that culprits are unable to walk away from the washroom leaving it to flood. These taps are available in manual (non-concussive) and sensor operated varieties.

                    Non-concussive taps          DVS A45 sensor taps

General Material Finishes

Cheaper plastic materials are far easier to damage than hard-wearing metals. For washrooms prone to vandalism it is therefore wise to choose products, such as washroom dispensers, manufactured from metals such as stainless steel. These are predominantly lockable and therefore prevent further vandalism.

                    Stainless Steel Paper Towel Dispenser          Stainless Steel Paper Towel Dispenser

Vandal Resistant Sanitaryware

The use of vandal resistant sanitaryware made from stainless steel, or specialist anti-shatter resin sanitary ware, in vandal prone washrooms is also significantly advantageous when compared to a china equivalent.
The Commercial Washrooms team has a wealth of experience in designing commercial and public washrooms, in particular, the options to restrict vandalism and maintain a longer lifespan. Some recent projects can be found in our case studies section but we welcome you to get in touch to discuss your project further.

                    Stainless Steel Toilet               Resin anti-vandal toilet

As always, our team are at the end of the telephone for all your queries and questions and have a wealth of knowledge they’re happy to share with you.

Contact Us.

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