Delabie: Water Controls for Hospitals

Delabie: Water Controls for Hospitals

Delabie have been at the forefront of innovation and water safety for some time, developing some of the most effective water controls in the business….

For many years we’ve proudly been working with Delabie, offering their products to commercial customers all over the UK. Their attention to detail when it comes to development is second to none and what you get with water controls that bear this name, an assurance of water safety, and robust build quality – the perfect combination.

We thought we’d share some of the things that separate Delabie from the crowd, and highlight features you might not be aware of.

Reducing the development of bacteria

Some Delabie products are designed to contain an incredibly minimal amount of standing water within the body. This makes it much harder for bacteria to develop and spread. 

You’ll also find many Delabie products have smooth internal surfaces. This makes it much harder for biofilm to attach and easier to treat. Delabie states that a study by the BioPI laboratory and the Department for Biological Studies at Jules Verne University in Amiens showed that under constant conditions, mixers and taps with smooth interiors have Pseudomanas aeruginosa contamination levels 14 times lower than those mixers and taps with rough interiors. This is what makes them such a strong choice for hospitals and healthcare environments.

In other water controls where the internal components have rough or textured surfaces, this biofilm can attach much more easily and be more stubborn to treat and remove.

Additionally, Delabie’s BIOCLIP range allows site managers to remove the spouts and mixers for deep cleaning. 

Sensor taps and automatic flushing

Sitting water can quickly become stagnant, a real problem when it comes to preventing bacteria growth. Delabie sensor taps have been designed to run an automatic flush cycle once every 24 hours for 60 seconds to clear through sitting water. 

Delabie’s electronic sensor taps also deliver great water consumption savings. Operating as little as 3 litres per minute, equating to around 0.6 litres of water during a 12-second hand wash.

Delabie Wall Mounted Sensor Tap

Extra safety with temperature control

Thermostatic mixer valves are standard in all commercial settings, but Delabie have developed SECURITHERM technology which means if the cold water supply fails, it will automatically shut off the hot feed to prevent burning, and if the hot water supply fails, then the valve will instantly shut off the cold water supply too to prevent a cold burst of water in a shower – which can shock a user and cause them to fall.

Delabie TMV

The brand has come a long way since its French beginnings back in 1928 and has firmly established itself as a key player in the commercial washrooms, shower spaces and rinse down stations of hospital and healthcare facilities all over the world.

If you'd like to discuss Delabie products or would like some advice in choosing the right water controls for your site, please get in touch with one of the Commercial Washrooms sales team today on 01202 650900.

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