10 Traits of Exclusive Golf Club Changing Rooms

10 Traits of Exclusive Golf Club Changing Rooms

Golf club changing rooms are some of the most exclusive washroom environments around. Not just a practical, functional space, the members changing room is somewhere that users congregate and have high expectations. From somewhere comfortable to change clothes, to have ample room to freshen up, shave and brush hair, there are a lot of considerations to bear in mind when designing and installing executive style changing rooms in golf clubs – here, we take a look at 10 traits of successful golf club washrooms.

1. Dressing table & vanity unit
There are two main ways in which the dressing table is carried out. In some instances, there will be a stand-alone dressing table with mirrors and hair dryers within the changing area, away from the wash space. Alternatively, you might install a large vanity unit in the washing area that will also carry wash basins, but be sure to leave ample room for users to place their wash bag and toiletries.

2. Lockers
It goes without saying that lockers in a golf club changing room are fundamental. You need to make sure they’re tall enough to hang a dinner jacket inside without having to fold it at the bottom, and in an ideal scenario, you want some additional shelves too. You often see that in a golf club changing room, the lockers begin from bench height, rather than floor height. This prevents some unlucky member being allocated the low locker and having to bend down every day to get their things, which can be incredibly difficult for elderly members.

3. Changing benchesGolf Club Chaning Room Refurbishment
Changing benches in golf clubs are most often a cut above the common slatted bench and take a more formal design. Some might be carpeted, while others tend to be of a solid surface design. Solid grade laminate (SGL) is a versatile, fully customisable product that can be used here and is incredibly durable to boot. Completely impervious to water and available in an astonishing array of colours, it can be tied into your clubs colours, or existing changing room design. 

4. Full height cubicles
Give thought to full height toilet cubicles, this way a bank of four toilet cubicles is given a solid appearance with the look of a partition wall going floor to ceiling. With a variety of finishes on offer, this option not only gives users increased privacy, but leaves you with a washroom that carries a more executive look and finish. SGL is a popular choice for full height cubicles, as is high pressure laminate (HPL) – if you would like to know more about full height cubicle options, please get in touch.

5. Showers
Showering facilities come high on the agenda and unlike common leisure centres, durability is not as important as user control. Instead of push taps, which only emit water for a set period of time, members are more inclined to want control over the temperature and flow of water, so ensuring they have complete control over the shower is important. However, even in a busy golf club, it’s common to only have a few showers available.

6. Floor covering
Often, the changing room will be split into two areas – the wet washing area, and the dry changing area. In the wash space, consider floor tiles with anti-slip properties, or opt for a non-slip safety flooring that goes down in much the same way as lino. In the changing area, most golf club changing rooms go for a durable carpet – something that can stand up to golf spikes.

7. Attention to detail
Don’t stop at the key functional elements of the changing room. The way to add real luxurious comfort is with the finishing touches. Framed pictures on the wall and lamps on side tables all help to bring a homely, cosy feel to the room. In some cases, small sofas are installed as well.

8. Hair dryers
Depending on how exclusive your changing room is, you might choose to leave a few hair dryers in the drawer of the dressing table, with plug sockets available right nearby. However, many golf clubs still opt for the wall mounted hair dryer that’s already wired into the mains. Either option is a great asset and something golf club users have come to expect.

9. Modern technology
Balancing the look of a traditional changing room with modern technology doesn't have to be hard. If you’re not looking for an ultra modern, streamlined washroom that looks like something from a swanky 5 star hotel in the city, you can still incorporate some of the most dynamic features in a more classically designed changing room. Sensor taps come in a wide variety of styles, from wall-mounted options, to those that rise from the sink itself. Sensor activated features like taps, hand dryers and flushers improve hygiene significantly in your washroom as users never need to actually touch the fittings.

10. Waste disposal
The last thing you want for your newly refurbed changing room is to look untidy. The best options to manage waste in this environment is to offer at least one waste bin in the changing area, and then one in the washing area. The best way to do this is to conceal the waste bin  within the vanity unit with a countersunk waste chute positioned directly above it. If you have opted to have a separate dressing table in the changing area, this can be installed here too, meaning no exposed waste bins, and an even more streamlined, high-end finish to the club's changin rooms.

As always, our team are at the end of the telephone for all your queries and questions and have a wealth of knowledge they’re happy to share with you. So if you need some guidance, or would like to talk over your options, you can give them a call on 01202 650900. 

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