Toilet Signs
Make a good impression with washroom Toilet Signs
Your washroom facilities can leave a lasting impression on visitors and often, it’s these finishing touches that really make your washroom shine and stand out. We have an extensive range of custom toilet signs and door signs at Commercial Washrooms that come in a variety of different finishes and designs.
For the visually impaired, we have a collection of custom washroom toilet signs that include Braille, which further increases the usability of your washroom facilities. Whether you are looking for plastic or metal toilet signs, you can find something to fit seamlessly into your bathroom design without having to compromise on style. Read on for more information on our different toilet sign products:
Our Toilet Sign Products
Gender Toilet Signs
One of our most popular products in our range of toilet signs is our gender toilet signs. For mens, womens and unisex toilets and bathrooms, our toilet signs are vandal resistant and made from high-quality materials like stainless steel, with universally legible gender symbols for ladies and gents.
Disabled Toilet Signs
Disabled and accessible toilets are an important facility to provide in commercial washrooms and bathrooms, and they too need the right signage. Our disabled toilet signs are easily legible and feature a polished steel finish with an easy-stick adhesive.
Fire Door Toilet Signs
A stainless steel toilet sign designed to highlight fire exits in bathrooms and washrooms. Satin or polished finishes available, with sticky adhesive and clear white lettering that stands out from the blue steel background, making it easy to read.
Push & Pull Toilet Signs
For entrances and exits to your commercial washrooms and bathrooms, you will most likely have a need for push or pull toilet signs- to highlight the necessary point of entry. These toilet signs are also made with a high-quality, and resilient stainless steel or aluminium finish that makes cleaning the toilet signs easy.
All of our toilet signs can be ordered easily and quickly either online, by contacting our sales team or by calling the Commercial Washrooms team on 01202 650900.