Shower and Changing Tables
Height Adjustable Changing Tables for Adults
Our range of showering and changing tables are the ideal washroom aids designed for showering and changing with the assistance of a carer. They are created with the operator and user in mind ensuring both are comfortable and safe.
Changing tables provide an accessible, elevated area to give users maximum support. Additionally, the electronic height-adjustable control feature means users can easily be transferred on and off the table with minimal strain and operators can work safely at the correct height.
Adult changing tables form part of the Changing Places specification list. They are often included along with height adjustable basins and Doc M Toilet Packs.
Many common questions and general advice on disabled washrooms and Doc M Packs can be found by reading our blog. Of particular relevance is the Disabled Toilets information and questions. Browse our Washroom Case Studies where many of our Doc M Packs have been included.
For further help in specifying disabled washroom products please get in touch with our specialist team.