What height should a wash hand basin be?

What height should a wash hand basin be?

Installing washbasins to the correct height might sound straightforward enough, but if you’re dealing with custom vanity units and wall mounted wash basins, then without sound advice, you could find yourself fitting them in a way that’s awkward to use.

Types of wash basin

Most wash basins need fixing to a wall, even if they come with a pedestal. For the most part, the pedestal is simply there to look good, and mask the waste trap and pipework. However, with a pedestal basin, you get the chance to offer up the sanitaryware before mounting the fixings. However, when opting for a straightforward wall-hung washbasin, you don’t have that luxury. 

Other types of basins such as lay-on basins, recessed basins, underslung washbasins, and semi-recessed basins are all typically integrated with a vanity unit. These custom-built units give users a more expansive area to freshen up, as well as provide space for toiletries, makeup, and changing bags depending on the environment. 

What height should a wash hand basin be?

The standard height for a washbasin is around 800mm - from floor to lip of the washbasin. This should be roughly the same for all washbasin types, including those fitted within a vanity unit. However, when looking to install wash basins at a lower height for infants and young children, you might consider installing them in the region of 640-750mm.

Considerations for children’s washbasins

As well as adjusting the height of commercial hand wash basins used by infants and young children, be sure to consider the depth they will have to reach over in order to activate the taps and soap dispenser. With sensor activation, this distance is reduced as there is no need to manually turn taps on and off.  You may wish to consider products such as our Washino Wash Trough for young children.

If you would like more advice on installation of washroom products, or to discuss our full specification and installation service, please get in touch with one of the team on 01202 650900

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