How Does a Toilet Flush Valve Work?

How Does a Toilet Flush Valve Work?

Discover how the inside workings of a toilet cistern and it's flush valve operates. Ideal for those looking to repair their toilets.

A Flush Valve, as the name suggests, is a component found inside a toilet cistern that is used for flushing out the contents of the toilet, into a sewer system/septic system through a drainpipe. Your business will most likely be making use of toilets with flush valves, and if they ever need repairing or replacing, this article will help you to understand what some of the different parts of the flush valves are and how it works, with this step-by-step guide.

How Does a Toilet Flush Valve Work?

  1. Located in the centre of the tank, a toilet flush valve is a plastic or brass fitting that is attached to the bottom of the cistern tank. It is operated with a rubber or neoprene flapper, or a ‘float ball’, which is a mechanism in the toilet that sits against the valve opening and keeps water in the cistern tank (until the flush handle is operated).
  2. When the handle is pressed, a chain or lift wire connected to the handle rod lifts the flapper away from the valve seat, which allows the water to flush down out of the cistern and fill the toilet bowl.
  3. With the tank empty, the flapper will fall back down into the valve seat, sealing the opening and allowing water to refill the tank.
  4. Integrated into the flush valve is a vertical overflow tube, that extends from the base of the flush valve, up into the tank. The role of this overflow tube is that it works to prevent water from overflowing the tank, and also to allow small amounts of water to flow down into and fill the toilet bowl as the tank is refilling.
  5. A small refill tube at the top of the overflow tube allows a stream of water to flow down into the bowl during the refill cycle. This restores the level of standing water in the toilet bowl, keeping the trap sealed.

Now that you know how the basic toilet flush valve works, you might find that there a few minor issues with your commercial toilets that you need to repair, such as the flushing pressure. Other hints and tips regarding commercial toilets are explored in our commercial toilets blogs. Plus, you might also be interested in some of our toilet flush products; you can find our range of toilet flush controls here.

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