Waterless Urinals: Saving Water and Improving Hygiene

Waterless Urinals: Saving Water and Improving Hygiene

Since around 1930, our individual consumption of water has been on a steady increase of about 1% each year. Today it is estimated that we each use about 150 litres of water on average per day. That’s a frightful amount and an unsustainable growth in our water consumption. If we continue at the current trend in water use, we will be using 40% more water in 20 years time than we do today, that's around 180litres per day!

Paired with rising water and sewerage costs, now more than ever, we are looking for ways in which to cut back.

Urinals are a great area where you can cut back by installing waterless options or converters. Waterless urinals like the Admiral Waterless Urinal work by the use of a clever filter. Urine passes through and into the waste pipe and a clever cartridge prevents the backflow of back gasses and foul odours. The cartridge is replaceable and depending on which one you are using, you can expect between 15,000 and 20,000 uses.

Despite your first reaction, waterless urinals can actually be more hygienic than water based options. When traditional urinals have flushed, they leave a moist, damp surface behind, which is the perfect breeding ground for many types of harmful bacteria. Waterless Urinals not only cut down water and leave a much drier surface, but they have the added benefit of the cartridge blocking back smells from the waste pipe. It is important to maintain and clean your waterless urinal to the manufacturers specific instructions so as to maintain the healthy bacteria within the cartridge.

There has been an increase of late in the female urinal market and as such there are also waterless options available too. This further reduces water consumption in busy washroom facilities where commonly the water used to flush a toilet is around seven litres per flush.

Waterless urinals require much less maintenance than water based systems. The cistern and waterpipes are not required. This in itself reduces your washroom maintenance by way of legionella checks and flushing through pipework. With no mains water running through to your urinals, limescale cannot enter the pipework post urinal, which reduces blockages considerably; limescale buildup is one of the main blockage issues in traditional urinals.

When installing waterless urinals, you have a few added advantages too. You benefit from a reduced risk of flooding, as mains water or cistern water is not required. So overflowing urinals are never a problem. Waterless urinals are also easier to install as they only need access to drainage and not mains, cistern water.

So for savings on both your water and sewerage, waterless urinals stack up pretty well in the economics of your facilities, bringing great financial savings.  The maintenance of pipework and cisterns is reduced as is the risk of blockages and flooding. It’s a simpler system and one that is becoming increasingly popular. For a greener, more environmentally friendly and efficient urinal system, they're a great choice.

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